Distanced Bell Ringing for Dumbbells
Resources to enable owners of single dumbbells to ring them with other real ringers across the internet, to standards that meet the CCCBR standards for performances.
Software to make this possible has been available for a while but a group was need to make it easier for people to get started and resolve any difficulties
The aim of this group wiki site is to make exchange of information about using a dumbbell for distanced ringing easy, and bring relevant information into one place.
If you become a member of the group and log in to this site you can make your own contributions, in an appropriate place on the site, making new pages as necessary.
The usual rules apply, so anything unsuitable or irrelevant may be removed by the administrator.
Please do NOT alter anything submitted by someone else, instead ADD your own contribution -
and please label what you contribute with your name, and date, thanks.
What is it all about? - how and why the group started
Installing the software This is essential as it links your dumbbell to the program that connects to the internet to send your bell pulls to the other ringers.
Using the software for ringing "distanced"
Computer and Internet problems
Distanced dumbbell ringing - what are the graphical interface issues. A preliminary review of the issues relating to an improved graphical interface
What I would like to ring - For members to say what they can ring on a dumbbell and what they would like to ring
Commercially available Dumbbells and information about Members' dumbbell installations Information about particular installations and installation types, and how they work
Technical Development - ways of making the ringing experience better This is for technical material and suggestions for improvements
How to set up MUSTER and ABEL for better visual experience (Update Oct 2021 Muster has been discontinued by its developers)
The C17 dumbell at Knole, late C19 This link looks at the early history of the dumbbell
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