
Muster and Abel Setup

Page history last edited by R H Johnston 3 years, 3 months ago

Update, Oct 2021  - support for Muster has been discontinued by its originators.



Muster and Abel setup


Muster is a clever program because it confines itself to communication between the ringers across the internet, and uses Abel or Beltower to do all the hard work of the graphics and sound.


Like ringingroom, Muster is keypress based, but clever settings in Abel can produce the visual movement before the sound, and probably early enough to be



The setup requirements to achieve this are as follows:




Download Muster: https://drichards2.github.io/muster/  (the latest version)


It is an unzip and run program.  Very simple.




You also need the latest version of Abel - version 3.10.2


(For our purposes Beltower will NOT do.  I have tried to set it to do what is needed but I can't.  I suspect it is supposed to do what is wanted, but it doesn't.)


If you don't have Abel, get it from AbelSim: http://www.abelsim.co.uk/


We will use the standard settings of Abel, except for


a) Ringing/ User starts bell movement.  set to ON


b) Options/  Screen/Print Options / Bell pictures / select Moving Ropes (Hand Zone)


c) the number of bells is set to the number of bells to be rung


d) Peal time  -we will use that to adjust the speed of the bell picture movement.  (this will need experimentation, but start with 1:0 speed (the fastest possible))


e) View/ User Bell movement ticked


If you have this correctly set up, pressing the key j in the ringing window will move the graphic and the bell will sound at the end of the movement.


(You can check this without using Muster)


Setting up the dumbbell interface (AT THE MOMENT - BUT if everyone has a two sensor dumbbell, belldelay can be set zero, and the "peal speed' in Abel increased.  That is not the case at the current practices)


If your dumbbell has two sensors that send signals at the start and end of the stroke, then setting up is simply a matter of using my autoconfiguration program (v0.7 or later), and setting the signal to be sent by the first sensor to be activated.  For compatibility with BDC sensor dumbbells set the delay to half what you normally use.  The easiest way to arrange this is for an existing setup is to edit the .ini file


Find the lines starting:




and change to






(i.e half what it was before.  Lines starting with semicolon are ignored)


RHJ 23.6.2020


If your dumbell has a single BDC sensor, change your normal simulator settings, for zero delay.


The easiest way to arrange this is for an existing setup is to edit the .ini file


Find the lines starting:




and change to






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